National Black Cat Day

Today is National Black Cat Day. Why celebrate these cats in particular? Sadly, many people still view black cats as unlucky or are associated with the occult. The increasing popularity of Hallowe’en with its black cat motifs only makes the situation worse. Black cats in rescue centres are often the last to be adopted, regardless of age and temperament.

Instead, let us celebrate our mini panthers! Sleek or fluffy, our ebony companions deserve the same love and respect as their more colourful siblings.

We currently have three black foster cats: Bonnie, Jack and Jill. If you would like to sponsor our special cats, please contact us.

Asda Token Collection

We have been selected by Asda Ware as one of three local good causes for their green token collection in October, November and December. Please remember to pop your green token into our box when shopping at Asda in Ware.  The charity that collects the most tokens will receive £500.

Thank you to Asda for supporting our cause.