Prudence & Tipper

Prudence is white & grey with big green eyes. She is a very laid-back cat who spends her time sleeping and relaxing, and enjoys her food. Prudence likes attention, and will happily let you fuss over her and enjoys being groomed. She particularly enjoys head rubs and under her chin. Her favourite toy is anything filled with catnip! She likes to play for a while, then its back to sleeping and relaxing.

Tipper is a black cat who loves attention: he will gently paw if he wants you to play with him. He likes to climb up and ‘cuddle’ over our fosterer’s shoulder. He is inquisitive and likes to explore and will enjoy going outside once settled. He also loves the catnip toys.

Prudence and Tipper are 10 years old and must be homed together.

If you would like more information about Prudence and Tipper, please contact our adoption co-ordinator Ros Pegorini:

Our adoption form can be found on our website: